Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby it's cold outside... (Frieze-ing in the park)

A bright and chilly Saturday afternoon(though I wouldn't say freezing!) two mates from Uni and I decided to check out the free Frieze Art Fair in Regents park. It was all a bit surreal...

...some statuesque figures with certain parts of their face seemingly blasted out or ripped away...

...a path meandering through some fake flowers (that seemed to have the consistency of mushrooms?!)

...and then a pair of giant eggs which were my favorite. (outlandishly oversized objects are always fun, right?!)

We continued to wander up into the park to take in the rest of the show. After a short conversation with a security guard from south London (or maybe it was east, I seem to get those two confused from time to time)we discovered that we needed to go back down to the bottom of the park to see the rest of the show. A little stroll through golden leafy lanes and we were back (almost) where we started, only to discover that to get into the "real" Frieze show you had to shell out 25 quid?!!! (well, 15 for students, but still!!)As one young arty type so aptly sold it to us ..."Would you like to see some overpriced pretentious art?" Fair enough! To which we answered a resounding NO and headed off in search of a much more reasonably priced coffee!

My last snap is of Kirsty's "Bicycle GPS" which never fails to amuse me! Quite effective...unless it decides to rain!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunny Sundays (= long walks!)

One of the lovely things about London is, no matter how big it can seem at times, most things are just a walk away. When the stars align and a sunny day falls on a Sunday, it's the perfect time to take a wander...

Heading south through Chinatown...bright lanterns swing above and glistening rows of roasted ducks (head and all!) hang in the windows...

Following the sun I find myself popping out of the narrow streets and into a luminous green garden at Embankment on the north side of the river. Families and friends crowd the little cafe, all making the most of the splendid crisp air...

Dodging traffic and continuing on my way, I pass a plein air painter making the most of the weather and the light on the Thames and the Houses of Parliament...
The Southbank bustles with vendors, booksellers and customers, all wiling away the afternoon with bits and bobs and creased book spines...Further on, my destination, a friend and more open air browsing. Two fresh faced Londoners discovering the city for themselves. Turning up surprises around corners, delights just waiting to be found.