Saturday, January 3, 2015

About a Boy...

I met a boy this summer.

I call him a boy because he made me feel like a girl in all the best possible ways...that exhilarating high, that you always want, but don't often reach.

I will admit, I had stars in my eyes and hope in my heart.

I knew from the beginning, like all relationships, that we might try and see and it might not work...and while I knew this would be painful, the "not working" part, I was willing to take that risk because I knew I would be able to live with it. That the pain of something that has run its course is something I can handle, that is ok, because I and we have given it our best shot. It is a natural, if difficult progression. 

The spark that has never been given the chance to burst into do you live with that? How do you live with something that never got the chance to "not work"? To me that is one of the saddest things of all...

     "Over time, the ghosts of things that happen start 
     to turn distant...they wear thin. The ones that slice 
     like razors forever are the ghosts of things that 
     never got the chance to happen."

                                              ~ T. French

Stars no longer sit in my eyes, but I still have hope in my heart, it's ripping at me...the ghost flame of what might have been or could still be... Only time will change that...

I met a boy this summer...and I can't seem to let him go...

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Years...

Ok, so I had planned to do a post about New Year's resolutions...original, eh?! Here was my rough start... 

"Boys? Fecking Houdini's...I've been dating magicians ...all magic and then poof! like fuckin' Houdini they disappear. My new years resolution...NO MORE FUCKING Houdinis!!!! I just have to figure out how to sort out the real magic from the cheap illusion!

This year I have two resolutions. To floss my teeth everyday (root canals suck) and to stop falling for magicians.

get sucked into the magic, dazzled by the spectacular..."

However, instead of that kind of "meh" post, I'm going to write what I've already learned this year!

"Maybe" means "No" and henceforth I will be treating all "maybes" as such! ...and done!

Oh, and dancing 'til I am drenched in sweat to deep house music is still the best (temporary) cure for all ills!

Happy 2015 everyone!!