Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Beginning...

A new blank blog is a bit like a blank canvas, and since I usually tone my canvases before I start to work, perhaps...perhaps I should do the same here...

In an ideal world I would set out to write about something relevant, pertinent and coherent! I doubt I will ever hit that trifecta, but we'll see...

I am in the midst of packing boxes and as I am not just moving across town, but rather across the pond (Atlantic) I have to put some extra thought into this.

What should I toss? (more than I will, pack rat that I am!)

What should I store? (clothes that I will only toss out two years later?!)

What should I take with me? (I foresee overweight suitcases at the check-in counter!)

The emotional ramifications of this move are starting to seep in as I think about leaving behind my lovely LA family, and I know I will miss them more than I care to think about at this moment... but it is time. Time to move forward... I hear a box calling to be taped up and labeled...