Sunday, March 15, 2015

(Everybody) Be Somebody*

It seems that I keep having people in my life, friends and acquaintances, who are working so hard at being somebody. Who are looking externally for what makes them somebody. Who feel as if they are not somebody because they haven't made some kind of mark on the world around them.

I want to reach out somehow, place my hands on their shoulders and say "you are somebody!" You have been somebody all your life.

You may want to do more of something and less of something else, but that is simply the trajectory or path of your life's activities.

It is not you.

History (your past) does not make you somebody.

Success does not make you somebody.

Failure does not make you somebody.

"Likes" do not make you somebody.

Happiness does not make you somebody...

neither does sadness.

While all these things, experiences, may give you a deeper understanding of your "somebody", they are not you, they do not define the quintessence of you.

You always are and always have been somebody. Stop trying so hard. Accept that you are somebody. Love that somebody. Hold those who know your "somebody" close...those ones who mirror back the true quintessence of you. 

Let those who don't, fade away.

Some people will never see you, see your "somebody"...let them go. It is not their job to see you. You see you. That is your is your only job...the rest is just activity.

(*for those of you who had the distinct pleasure of knowing the magical beauty that was Sweat, Sir Henry's...EVERYBODEEEEE, BE SOMEBODEEEE! EVERYBODEEEEE, MOVE YOUR BODEEEE!!!!)